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Thursday, 5 May 2016

Breaking: The Fear of Trump rains in Clinton Camp as they start 'Stop Trump Fund'


Clinton's campaign manager Robby Mook says in an email to supporters that the fund raising drive will "make sure that Trump can never use the power of the presidency" to deport millions of immigrants, prevent Muslims from entering the United States or "punish" women who get abortions.

During months of campaigning, Trump has made some statements about abortion and gay rights that pleased social conservatives and others that unsettled them. That inconsistency, coupled with various liberal-leaning comments he made in past years, has deprived Trump of an enthusiastic embrace by the social conservative camp.

But I think the camp of Clinton is forgetting is that all the negative ads against the Donald by his republican presidential rivals, could not stop his momentum. And the "Stop Trump Movement" also hit the rock. 

So I rather vote for a trusted candidate who says the truth and can never be swayed by SuperPacs or political big wigs than to vote for a crooked individual who plays the women card and is being paraded for revealing a countries classified information via email. What information will she reveal when she becomes president? I wonder!!

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